Another attack by Satan – fallen brother in ministry, hurt families and lesson for us

June 10, 2009

Today some sad news became public of a ministry leader, Gary Lamb, who stepped down from pastoring.  While I will leave the description to his blog, it’s important that we as men read, listen, and pray for him and all involved.  They need our prayers!

Additionally, I recommend reading these additional posts about this as they each provide perspective which I found really powerful:  Geoff Surratt and Ron Edmonds.  While these are written more towards pastors, I was really struck by how the points in each of these apply to all of us as men, leaders, fathers, friends and husbands.  It may be hard to understand God’s plan in this, but is seems reasonable to surmise that one goal is to provide a “teachable moment” for others.

It is my prayer in sharing this that each of us in our network would pray for those involved and grow individually.  Let us do our part to ensure that Satan’s attack is not ultimately successful.